Monday, August 24, 2020
The Modernization Of China And Its Impact Environmental Sciences Essay
The Modernization Of China And Its Impact Environmental Sciences Essay The issue of a worldwide temperature alteration began path back in the mid 1990s and from that point forward there has been developing universal worries on fighting an unnatural weather change. In a stage to welcome all countries ready, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) was built up in 1992, in Rio de Janeiro (Yu, 2008). The primary goal of arrangement was to consider on diminishing green house gases discharges by singular nations worldwide and particularly those nations who are the principle producers of carbon. In light of the immediate connection of this arrangement to the economy, numerous countries are wary on marking to the bargain. Yu (2008) affirmed that, relief of environmental change will be accomplished by considerable coordinated effort under the UNFCCC (P.1). An unnatural weather change has had a potential negative effect on the chinas condition. It has been discovered that since 1990, china has encountered natural debasement because of this a dangerous atmospheric devation. Truth be told Yu (2008) said that because of the unfriendly impact on the chinas condition, their pioneers have needed to reconsider increasingly about the issue. There are numerous impacts of a worldwide temperature alteration, for example, natural debasement, ocean level ascent and extreme climate designs that may prompt beach front flooding. Today China is accepted to be one of the universes polluter of condition attributable to its development in economy helped by sufficient gracefully coal and oil creation (Yu, 2008). Strikingly, a dangerous atmospheric devation is brought about by human exercises, for example, utilization of oil, petroleum products, and consuming of coal which prompts arrival of carbon dioxide and green house gases into the environment. The high extent of this carbon dioxide in the air produces outrageous a dangerous atmospheric devation (Maslin, 2004). Unfortunately, ascend in temperature in the planet-earth-represents a potential danger to the presence of people. Negal (1994) saw that the progression of innovation and monetary development and modernization has to an enormous stretch out added to the an unnatural weather change. He cautions that an unnatural weather change and strange climate designs undermine the very presence of the globe (p.98). Nagel (1994) when expounding on Asian turn of events and open arrangement, portrays china as being gone up against with two interconnected difficulties: keeping up innovative progression while fighting environmental fiasco produced by this innovation. The expansion in Chinas populace throughout the years has prompted the expansion in the natural contamination. As indicated by Nagel (1994), around sixty urban areas in China have severely been influenced by exhaust cloud and plant outflows (p.199); and a few urban areas in the Northern part anticipated significant levels of carbon dioxide and different poisons. In light of rising interest for utilization of coal and oil, China is unquestionably anticipated to have a huge increment in emanation of Carbon dioxide. About 12.0 billion tons in 2030, which will be the most noteworthy at any point achieved by any country have been anticipated (Lloyed, 2009, p.51). Lloyed cautions that, in the event that Chinas anticipated outflow is the thing that to pass by, at that point it will be difficult to control the impacts of a dangerous atmospheric devation, anyway a lot, different nations attempt to limit their emanations. In spite of the fact that china is one of the exceptionally populated nations on the planet with over 1.2 billion individuals, it is likewise one of the most unfortunate (Harris, 2003). To help this developing populace, China expanded its modern development which meant expanded gracefully of food and different necessities inside the nation. As indicated by Harris (2003), issue of an Earth-wide temperature boost in China has excited because of the modernization of economy and expansion of vitality to take care of the developing modernization. In regard to this, China expanded its vitality use by 208 percent somewhere in the range of 1970 and 1990, while coal rose by 69.9 percent (Harris, 2003). In the end, China recorded roughly 13.4 percent of the world carbon dioxide emanations which appraised them as the second, after the United States, biggest maker on the planet. The Chinas arrangement on vitality is educated by the procedure of expanding creation and gracefully. In 1980s, China began confronting intense deficiency of vitality because of its developing ventures; different wellsprings of vitality that are efficient and feasible were required direly to support the vitality lack. In this way they depended on oil which was effectively accessible and required little measure of capital. To be explicit, china utilizes a ton of coal in their mechanical segment when contrasted with different countries on the planet where their elective wellsprings of vitality, for example, power are being utilized. Harris (2003) says that Chinas vitality has been abused by clients due to its low value approach of coal, wastefulness of modern machines, for example, boilers which consume coal, and poor foundation (p.47) The result of this abuse and abuse of vitality was a genuine natural fiasco. Harris (2003)described that China experienced genuine water deficiencies, land corruption, water contamination; however among the most genuine natural issues is air contamination (p.47). What's more, respiratory complexities expanded because of contamination of air brought about by deficient ignition of coal from businesses. There was likewise pulverization of harvests, backwoods and fisheries quickened by exceptional degrees of corrosive downpour (Harris, 2003). All in all, the Chinas modernization has had antagonistic effect on a dangerous atmospheric devation. To begin with, mechanical extension of China started appeal of fuel. Because of this interest, China expanded gracefully of coal and oil. The ascent popular for the utilization of these carbon producers fuel has devastatingly affected China and even worldwide environmental change. Carbon dioxide and nurseries gases which starting points from consuming of coal and oil, rises the earth temperature. The high discharge of carbon dioxide in China has been brought about by three key variables: low estimating strategy of coal in China which prompted the less preservation of vitality by businesses; low proficiency level of machines utilized by Chinese enterprises to copy coal and poor foundation. It is anticipated that by 2030, China will be the main maker of carbon dioxide with inexact 12.0 billion tons. The repercussions of this will be felt in such huge numbers of ages to come. This is an aggregate obligation regarding each country towards the security of things to come age. Hence all countries ought to submit themselves in decreasing the carbon dioxide ou tflow to the conditions.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Intercultural communication( this is the course I'm studying, not the Assignment - 1
Intercultural correspondence( this is the course I'm contemplating, not the subject) - Assignment Example On my appearance, I saw I didn't know anybody and every one of those in participation were Chinese and I don't know at any point know a solitary Spanish word. I realized this would have been hard for me as a result of the language hindrance. Everyone's eyes were on me and I felt considerably increasingly awkward. I realized everybody anticipated that me should present myself since I watched simply out spot. I didn't have the foggiest idea whether reacting with a gesture would be viewed as rude, yet it was my solitary alternative. I had found in Chinese motion pictures that when they welcomed each other they bowed as an indication of regard, I would team up with gesturing keeping in mind the desire of not humiliating myself. At long last, somebody went to the entryway and acquainted herself with me in Chinese I gestured and I bowed marginally. She bowed as well, and requested that I come in, in English. I felt so diminished and I disclosed to her that I didn't know Chinese. She giggled and disclosed to me that I was in karma that she was there since nobody else in the family communicated in English. She disclosed to me that when she acquaints me with the grievers it is aware to stand up, grin, and take a gander at them easily and after the presentation; I could shake hands (Kao, 9). She presented me as her cousinââ¬â¢s companion and clarified that I didn't know Chinese or anything to do with their way of life. They took a gander at me with smiley faces with some in any event, laughing and this caused to feel especially quiet. After the administration, I set aside some effort to converse with her and she revealed to me a couple of things about her way of life including how to utilize chopsticks. I lamented not taking an enthusiasm to get familiar with the language or even to realize how to state hello there when my companion was as yet alive. I took in a great deal at that entombment and it made an enthusiasm to consider the Chinese language. I consequently showed them a couple of things about our way of life and our food. I understood that there is continually something new and intriguing in different societies. On the off chance that individuals would set aside more effort to find out about each
Friday, July 17, 2020
The Risks of Heavy Drinking
The Risks of Heavy Drinking Addiction Alcohol Use Print The Risks of Heavy Drinking By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on June 13, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on May 04, 2019 Getty Images More in Addiction Alcohol Use Binge Drinking Withdrawal and Relapse Children of Alcoholics Drunk Driving Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery If you drink more than the recommended guidelines for alcohol consumption, you may be wondering what exactly are the risks. What is the harm in drinking too much alcohol? The recommended guidelines for low-risk drinking is four or fewer drinks a day for men and no more than 14 drinks a week. For women, its three or fewer drinks a day and no more than seven drinks per week. If you drink more than that, your drinking pattern is considered high-risk, or heavy drinking. Risk for Alcohol Use Disorders If you are a heavy drinker, the first risk that you face is developing an alcohol use disorder. Only 2% of people who drink at the low-risk level are ever diagnosed with alcohol abuse or alcohol dependence. But if you exceed the recommended levels, that percentage increases significantly, according to extensive research by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). If you exceed those guidelines regularly, your risk of developing alcoholism can increase to 50%. If you develop an alcohol use disorder, according to research, you also run the risk of developing other personal problems, such as losing your drivers license, losing your job, and having problems with relationships. Heavy drinking is linked to many personal negative consequences. Risk for Increased Health Problems Scientific research has linked heavy drinking to a wide range of effects on your health. Almost every system in your body can be negatively affected by alcohol. Heavy drinking has been shown to cause or contribute to the following health conditions: Liver disease or cirrhosis of the liverBrain damage or dementiaHigh blood pressureIrregular heartbeatCancer (alcohol has been linked specifically to head and neck cancers, breast cancer, colon cancer, and liver cancer) Risk for Injury While Intoxicated Heavy drinking also significantly increases your chances of becoming the victim of an injury - inside the home and out. Alcohol impairment or intoxication greatly increases your risk of injuring yourself or being injured by others. According to the latest statistics, alcohol is a factor: In 40% of fatal highway crashes, suicides, and fatal falls.In 50% of sexual assaults and trauma injuries.In 60% of all fatal fires, drownings, and homicides. Risk for Birth Defects If you drink heavily during pregnancy, you increase the risk of your baby developing a range of disorders known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). The most severe effect of prenatal alcohol exposure is fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). It is not known if any amount of alcohol is safe to drink while you are pregnant. If you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it is recommended that you do not drink at all. If you drink and it is possible that you could become pregnant, frequent home pregnancy testing can help protect your child from prenatal alcohol exposure. Getting Help for Alcohol Use Disorders If you are an at-risk or heavy drinker, you may want to read how other drinkers say their health has been affected by their alcohol consumption. If you have experienced negative health effects, you may want to seek help in cutting down your alcohol consumption or trying to quit.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Business Communication - 8242 Words
IIBM INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Answer Sheet Business Communication Rahul Sancheti 14/07/2015 The Detailed study Of The Business Communication has Been Submitted To The IIBM Institute Of Business Management Answer Sheet Business Communication Section A: Objective Type Short Questions Part one: Multiple choice: 1. __________is an essential function of Business Organizations: a. Information b. Communication c. Power d. None of the above Ans:B 2. Physiological Barriers of listening are: a. Hearing impairment b. Physical conditions c. Prejudices d. All of the above Ans:A 3. Which presentation tend to make you speak more quickly than usual: a. Electronic b. Oral c. Both ââ¬Å¾aââ¬Å¸ and ââ¬Å¾bââ¬Å¸Ã¢â¬ ¦show more contentâ⬠¦Define 7Cââ¬Å¸s of effective communication. Ans: There are 7 Cââ¬â¢s of effective communication which are applicable to both written as well as oral communication. These are as follows: 1. Completeness - The communication must be complete. It should convey all facts required by the audience. The sender of the message must take into consideration the receiverââ¬â¢s mind set and convey the message accordingly. A complete communication has following features: ï⠧ Complete communication develops and enhances reputation of an organization. ï⠧ Moreover, they are cost saving as no crucial information is missing and no additional cost is incurred in conveying extra message if the communication is complete. ï⠧ A complete communication always gives additional information wherever required. It leaves no questions in the mind of receiver. ï⠧ Complete communication helps in better decision-making by the audience/readers/receivers of message as they get all desired and crucial information. ï⠧ It persuades the audience. 2. Conciseness - Conciseness means wordiness, i.e, communicating what you want to convey in least possible words without forgoing the other Cââ¬â¢s of communication. Conciseness is a necessity for effective communication. Concise communication has following features: ï⠧ It is both time-saving as well as cost-saving. ï⠧ It underlines and highlights the main message as it avoids using excessive and needless words. ï⠧ Concise communication provides short and essentialShow MoreRelatedBusiness Communication4956 Words à |à 20 PagesOverview Business communication (or simply communications, in a business context) encompasses such topics as marketing, brand management, customer relations, consumer behavior, advertising, public relations, corporate communication, community engagement, reputation management, interpersonal communication, employee engagement, and event management. It is closely related to the fields of professional communication and technical communication. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reasons For Attending The University Of California
There are a few reasons why I chose to attend the University of California, Los Angeles: Location, cost, the famous alumni, the historic athletic program, etc., but the main reason I chose UCLA was to obtain a college degree from one of the most prestigious public Universities in the world. Earning a degree is especially important to me because no one in my family (immediate or extended) has ever graduated from college. In fact, only a few members of family my have even taken a college class before ââ¬â let alone obtained a college degree. Knowing that I could be (will be) the first in my family to not only graduate from college, but to graduate from a college like UCLA, is something that I hold very dear to my heart because of the amount of respect that people have towards this school. A degree from UCLA carries a little extra weight of importance because people have a significant deal of respect for the UCLA brand. People respect the UCLA brand for more than the Universities academic and athletic accomplishments; people also respect the UCLA brand because they have learned that they can come to expect a certain code of conduct from all UCLA Bruins ââ¬â whether they are interacting with current students, alumni, or faculty. This positive perception that people associate with a degree from UCLA is what gives the degree the extra meaning it has. This is why, at UCLA, students are expected to possess behavior that is consistent with the policies set forth in the student conductShow MoreRelatedEffects of Higher College Tuition on California Students1211 Words à |à 5 PagesRunning Head: EFFECTS OF HIGHER EDUCATION ON CALIFORNIA STUDENTS Effects of Higher College Tuition on California Students Hudson Pacific Ocean University Read MoreI Am A Transfer Student At California State University911 Words à |à 4 Pages I am a transfer student at California State University, Long Beach and my major is Human Development with a concentration in social and personality development. I enjoy volunteering to work with isolated senior citizens and at the Orange County Food Bank in Garden Grove. Giving back to my community and being successful in school goes hand in hand for me. 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Satyajit Rayââ¬â¢s First Original Screenplay Free Essays
The film was first conceived to take place in a large mansion, but Ray later decided to film it in the famous hill town, using the many shades of light and mist to reflect the tension in the drama. An amused Ray noted that while his script allowed shooting to be possible under any lighting conditions, a commercial film contingent present at the same time in Darjeeling failed to shoot a single shot as they only wanted to do so in sunshine.. We will write a custom essay sample on Satyajit Rayââ¬â¢s First Original Screenplay or any similar topic only for you Order Now â⬠fact remains that Ray shot this film with masterfully chosen available light conditions(read:no reflectors,you morons! to depict the subtle interplay of light and shade to blend in with progress of the storyline! (as an aside ray recounts the sad story of a Bollywood film crew who arrived in Darjeeling at the same time as rayââ¬â¢s team,and were still waiting for the elusive sun to arrive so they could begin shooting by the time ray had his whole film in the can and packed up to go home! ) the climactic scene of the kanchenjungha suddenly making a brilliant appearance at the penultimate hour never fails to bring out goosebumps! efinitely recommended. The single most noteworthy feature about this movie is the equivalence of real time (total time of the day being depicted in movie) and movie time (total screening time). At least among the Indian movie makers, Ray is the first one who had done such experiment and of course, he succeeded comprehensively. It depicts a real tim e event of 100 minutes on screen. So, in order to understand ââ¬Ëthe dramaââ¬â¢ itââ¬â¢s recommended to understand his language to the extent possible. It comprise snapshots of various human characteristics like pride, simplicity, carnal desires, thoughtlessness, romance, heroism and above all triumph of human spirits over conventional, social idiosyncrasy. All this happens in the hill station of Darjeeling, in the lap of nature with the picturesque eastern Himalayas in the backdrop. It is mentionable that the background of all the above characters, their thought process and behavioral traits have been brilliantly presented through series of well conceived dialogues. Yes, only dialogues. No third person narratives. No visual manifestation in terms of flash back, dream sequences etc. In fact, the master storyteller has been able to generate such an evocative dialogue sequences that at the end of the film, the audience acquire full capacity to judge each and every character in the light of respective rationale. It is also noteworthy that Rayââ¬â¢s characters never surpass the humane status quo. They reflect relevant cognitive behavior and contextual influences. Be it ââ¬Å"Siddarthaâ⬠in Pratidwandi or ââ¬Å"Arindamâ⬠in Nayak, one can never expect Rayââ¬â¢s protagonists molded in typical ubermanesque image in stark contrast to the so-called Heroes of Hollywood and Bollywood. It is also noteworthy that Rayââ¬â¢s characters never surpass the humane status quo. They reflect relevant cognitive behavior and contextual influences. Be it ââ¬Å"Siddarthaâ⬠in Pratidwandi or ââ¬Å"Arindamâ⬠in Nayak, one can never expect Rayââ¬â¢s protagonists molded in typical ubermanesque image in stark contrast to the so-called Heroes of Hollywood and Bollywood. Kanchenjungha substantiate that. The elitist, urban Mr. Banerjee asserts boastfully about his professional and materialistic achievements. He even confesses about his clandestine foreign affairs while wooing his ladylove Monisha. This refined gentleman also depicts a prosaic approach towards conjugality and life in general. Towards the end he displays an extremely liberal and tolerant attitude, which is commendable in the realms of dominating, patriarchal association. Any write-up on Kanchenjungha would remain unfinished if it doesnââ¬â¢t mention the incorporation of ââ¬Ënatureââ¬â¢ that accentuated the varied moods of the film ââ¬â An overcast evening to suggest unfavorable circumstances, mist to render underlying tension and sunshine to portray agreeable settlement. Finally the mighty Kanchengha with all its splendor depict celebration of hope and aspiration. However, Ray has managed to remain an aloof and neutral presenter throughout the process of the film, which adds to the aesthetics of this cinematic masterpiece. This Ray film is fraught with imagery, symbolism, metaphors and weaves in a few independent stories together to culminate into an understanding of the human psyche. Coming to Kanchenjunga (the name belongs to the worldââ¬â¢s third tallest mountain peak which is said to be elusive to human eye as itââ¬â¢s perennially clouded due to fog), the film follows a group of tourists on vacation in Darjeeling, a hill station ââ¬â the first thing that comes to your mind is just how fraught the film is with metaphors- linking the human mind and attitudes to natureââ¬â¢s marvels- thereby the dense fog which prevents our protagonist (played mesmerisingly by Chabi Biswas) from seeing Kanchenjunga clearly is symbolic of his myopic opinions and it is lifted in the last scene where fter stripping himself away from all his erstwhile prejudices, he is able to view Kanchejunga for the first time. But, in the end, Kanchenjunga remains a film about human emotions which also talks about the socio- economic divide and dwells into the complex inflexible minds of some of us. The appropriate use of the natural lighting weather conditions (may be the best in Ra yââ¬â¢s career). How to cite Satyajit Rayââ¬â¢s First Original Screenplay, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
The Plague Essays (463 words) - Plague, Absurdist Fiction
The Plague The novel that I chose to do this report on was, The Plague, by Albert Camus. It is about a plague that hit the European countries in the middle ages. I chose to describe the literary term of parallelism. Here are some following facts about the story's plot that involve parallelism through the novel. The novel begins at Oran where the plague becomes known. The main character, Dr. Gernard Rieux, is a doctor. In the beginning of the story he finds a dead rat on the floor. Even in those times rats were not found dead on the middle of the floor. This was unusual, but he threw out the rat and forgot about it. Eventually the dead rats began to pile into large masses and burned. Soon after there were some people that got very sick, which made Mr. Rieux very curious. These reports of these ill people and the death of the rats were the beginning of the parallelism for this story. Since Bernard was a doctor he was the first to actually attempt to help one of these sick people. Michael was his first patient in this matter. He was the sickest person that the doctor had ever seen. Michael was pale white and vomited often, he hurt so much from the vomiting that he seemed paralyzed. Mr. Rieux tried to help the man the best that he could, but he ended up dying. Michael was the first person to die of this illness. After his death, many cases of this illness were reported widespread. Again more details of sickness and death, this is the parallelism for this novel. As the reports of sickness and death came to inform Dr. Rieux, he tried to comfort and cure the plagued patients. About ninety percent of the people infected had died. He wanted a stop to this plague. Quickly he linked the rats with the people. He knew that the rats began to get sick before the people did. At this time many people had the plague, except for the Chinese visitors. They never were infected. As the plot moves on death, sickness and the plague are still relevant. He studied their behaviors and everyday tasks and learned that they do something that was never often done in these middle ages. Not many people in these days bathed. The doctor began to notice that the people that bathed never got sick. So he asked all of his, still living patients, to take baths frequently. This proved to be the miracle cure for the people. The doctor asked his other fellow doctors to follow the same practice with their patients. The word was spread and the plague was soon wiped out. So as you can see, the literary term of parallelism was deemed very relevant through the ongoing plot. Death, sickness, and the plague epresented the story's parallelism. Albert Camus made parallelism the main literary term for this novel, given away by the title, The Plague.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
The eNotes Blog Fact in Fiction The Top 20 Harry Potter SpellsDeciphered
Fact in Fiction The Top 20 Harry Potter SpellsDeciphered With the release of the last Harry Potter book,à Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Potterheads everywhere can rejoice in one final installation of this epic tale. We used this as a chance to revisit some of the most iconic words uttered throughout the series- spells, charms, and curses- and find the root of their meaning. 1. Expecto Patronum A charm that creates a Patronus.à Expecto means I await in Latin, and Patronum means patron. We can surmise that Patronus, Latin for guardian, is what is being awaited. Expecto Patronum = I await a guardian. 2. Accio A charm that summons an object.à Accio simply means summon in Latin. Accio = summon. 3. Wingardium Leviosa A charm that makes objects fly.à This one is a sort of pseudo-Latin.à Wing can simply be taken from the English word, andà levis is Latin for lightweight. Together, these words make sense in a charm that makes things fly. 4.à Expelliarmus A charm that disarms ones opponent.à Expelloà means to banish andà arma is Latin for weapons. Expelliarmus = to banish weapons. 5.à Lumos A spell that creates light at the tip of the casters wand.à Lumen is simply Latin for light. Lumos = light. 6.à Alohomora A charm that opens locked objects. J.K Rowling claims thatà alohomora is a West African word meaning friendly to thieves. It seems to make perfect sense, since what thieves wouldnt want a door unlocked? 7.à Avada Kedavra A curse that murders onesà opponent. Avada Kedavraà seems to actually be the Aramaic form of the infamous phrase abracadabra, meaning let the thing be destroyed. 8.à Sectumsempra A spell that inflicts slash wounds.à Sectusà is Latin for cut up andà semper is Latin for always. Sectumsempra = always cut up. 9.à Obliviate A charm that erases memories. From the Medieval Latin wordà obliviscor, which means to forget, obliviate literally means forget. 10.à Riddikulus A spell used to defeat a Boggart. Riddikulus seems to be a made-up spelling of the Latin wordà ridiculus, which means the same asà ridiculous in English. This in itself is derived fromà rideo, which means to laugh at or to smile. 11.à Imperio A curse that allows the caster to control a person.à Imperio is Latin for command. As a curse giving total control over someone, it checks out. Imperio = command. 12.à Petrificus Totalus A curse that paralyzes ones opponent. The Greekà petros means rock or stone, and the Latinà facio means cause to happen. That coupled with the Medieval Latinà totalis or classical Latinà totus, both meaning whole or entire, leaves petrificus totalus meaning to cause the entire thing to turn to stone. à 13.à Stupefy A spell that knocks out ones opponent.à Stupeo means to be stunned in Latin, andà fio is Latin for cause to happen. Stupefy = cause someone to be stunned. 14.à Crucio A curse that inflicts torturousà pain on ones opponent.à Crucio literally means torture in Latin. How easy is that? Crucio = torture. 15.à Incendio A spell that starts a fire.à Incendo is Latin for set fire to. Incendio = set fire to. 16.à Aguamenti A charm that shoots water from the tip of ones wand.à Aqua in Latin- orà agua in Spanish- means water, andà augmenà is Latin forà growth. Aguamenti = growing water. 17.à Expulso A charm that makes blocking objects explode.à Ex translates to away in Latin, andà pulso means I strike. Expulso = I strike things away. 18.à Protego A charm that causes a spell to reflect onto its caster. Another direct translation, the Latin wordà protego means to cover orà to protect. In this case, it applies to the charms ability to protect the caster. Protego = protect. 19.à Reducto A spell that explodes solid objects.à Reducto means having been reduced in Latin. Contextually, it seems that this applies to the objects being reduced into their most basic form, i.e. they are exploded into much smaller pieces. 20.à Reparo A spell that repairs broken or damaged objects.à Reparo is Latin for restore or renew. Easy, right? Reparo = restore. Need a refresher about the previous books? Check out the Harry Potter novels summary, or read about each book in order: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Teachers:à Take a look at our Harry Potter lesson plan and teaching unit!
Monday, March 2, 2020
Nahuatl - The Lingua Franca of the Aztec Empire
Nahuatl - The Lingua Franca of the Aztec Empire Nhuatl (pronounced NAH-wah-tuhl) was the language spoken by the people of the Aztec Empire, known as the Aztec or Mexica. Although the spoken and written form of the language has substantively changed from the prehispanic classical form, Nahuatl has persevered for half a millennium. It is still spoken today by approximately 1.5 million people, or 1.7% of the total population of Mexico, many of whom call their language Mexicano (Me-shee-KAH-no). The word Nahuatl is itself one of several words that mean to one extent or another good sounds, an example of encoded meaning that is central to the Nahuatl language. Mapmaker, priest, and leading Enlightenment intellectual of New Spain Josà © Antonio Alzate [1737ââ¬â1799] was an important advocate for the language. Although his arguments failed to gain support, Alzate vigorously objected to Linnaeuss use of Greek words for New World botanical classifications, arguing that Nahuatl names were uniquely useful because they encoded a storehouse of knowledge that could be applied to the scientific project. Nhuatls Origins Nhuatl is part of the Uto-Aztecan family, one of the largest of the Native American language families. The Uto-Aztecan or Uto-Nahuan family includes many North American languages such as Comanche, Shoshone, Paiute, Tarahumara, Cora, and Huichol. The Uto-Aztecan main language diffused out of the Great Basin, moving where the Nahuatl language probably originated, in the upper Sonoran region of what is now New Mexico and Arizona and the lower Sonoran area in Mexico. Nahuatl speakers are first believed to have reached the Central Mexican highlands sometime around AD 400/500, but they came in several waves and settled among different groups such as Otomangean and Tarascan speakers. According to historical and archaeological sources, the Mexica were among the last of the Nhuatl speakers to migrate from their homeland in the north. Nhuatl Distribution With the founding of their capital at Tenochtitlan, and the growth of the Aztec/Mexica empire in the 15th and 16th centuries, Nhuatl spread all over Mesoamerica. This language became a lingua franca spoken by merchants, soldiers, and diplomats, over an area including what is today northern Mexico to Costa Rica, as well as parts of Lower Central America. Legal steps which reinforced itsà lingua francaà status included the decision by Kingà Philip IIà in 1570 to make Nahuatl the linguistic medium for clerics to use in religious conversion and for the training of ecclesiastics working with the native people in different regions. Members of the nobility from other ethnic groups, including Spaniards, used spoken and written Nahuatl to facilitate communication throughout New Spain. Sources for Classical Nahuatl The most extensive source on Nhuatl language is the book written in the mid-16th century by friar Bernardino de Sahagà ºn called the Historia General de la Nueva Espaà ±a, which is included in the Florentine Codex. For its 12 books, Sahagà ºn and his assistants collected what is essentially an encyclopedia of the language and culture of the Aztec/Mexica. This text contains parts written both in Spanish and Nhuatl transliterated into the Roman alphabet. Another important document is the Codex Mendoza, commissioned by King Charles I of Spain, which combined a history of the Aztec conquests, the amount and types of tributes paid to the Aztecs by geographical province, and an account of Aztec daily life, beginning in 1541. This document was written by skilled native scribes and overseen by the Spanish clerics, who added glosses in both Nahuatl and Spanish. Saving the Endangered Nahuatl Language After the Mexican War of Independence in 1821, the use of Nahuatl as an official medium for documentation and communication disappeared. Intellectual elites in Mexico engaged in a creation of new national identity, seeing the indigenous past as an obstacle to the modernization and progress of Mexican society. Over time, Nahua communities became more and more isolated from the rest of Mexican society, suffering what researchers Okol and Sullivan refer to as a political dislocation arising from the lack of prestige and power, and a closely-related cultural dislocation, resulting from modernization and globalization. Olko and Sullivan (2014) report that although prolonged contact with Spanish has resulted in changes in word morphology and syntax, in many places there persist close continuities between the past and present forms of Nahuatl. The Instituto de Docencia e Investigacià ³n Etnolà ³gica de Zacatecas (IDIEZ) is one group working together with Nahua speakers to continue practicing and developing their language and culture, training the Nahua speakers to teach Nahuatl to others and to actively collaborate with international academics in research projects. A similar project is underway (described by Sandoval Arenas 2017) at the Intercultural University of Veracruz. Nhuatl Legacy There is today a wide variation in the language, both linguistically and culturally, that can be attributed in part to the successive waves of Nahuatl speakers who arrived in the valley of Mexico so long ago. There are three major dialects of the group known as Nahua: the group in power in the Valley of Mexico at the time of contact was that Aztecs, who called their language Nahuatl. To the west of the Valley of Mexico, the speakers called their language Nahual; and dispersed around those two clusters was a third who called their language Nahuat. This last group included the Pipil ethnic group who eventually migrated to El Salvador. Many contemporary place names in Mexico and Central America are the result of a Spanish transliteration of their Nhuatl name, such as Mexico and Guatemala. And many Nahuatl words have passed into the English dictionary through Spanish, such as coyote, chocolate, tomato, chili, cacao, avocado and many others. What does Nahuatl Sound Like? Linguists can define the original sounds of classical Nahuatl in part because the Aztec/Mexica used a glyphic writing system based on Nahuatl that contained some phonetic elements, and the Spanish ecclesiastics matched the Roman phonetic alphabet to the good sounds they heard from the locals. The earliest extant Nahuatl-Roman alphabets are from the Cuernavaca region and date to the late 1530s or early 1540s; they were probably written by various indigenous individuals and compiled by a Franciscan friar. In her 2014 book Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory, archaeologist and linguist Frances Berdan provides a pronunciation guide to classical Nahuatl, only a small taste of which is listed here. Berdan reports that in classical Nahuatl the main stress or emphasis in a given word is almost always on the next-to-last syllable. There are four main vowels in the language: a as in the English word palm, e as in bet, i as in see, and o as in so. Most consonants in Nahuatl are the same as those used in English or Spanish, but the tl sound is not quite tuhl, it more of a glottal t with a little puff of breath for the l. See Berdan for more information. There is an Android-based application called ALEN (Audio-Lexicon Spanish-Nahuatl) in a beta form that has both written and oral modalities, and uses homemade illustrations, and word search facilities. According to Garcà a-Mencà a and colleagues (2016), the app beta has 132 words; but the commercial Nahuatl iTunes App written by Rafael Echeverria currently has more than 10,000 words and phrases in Nahuatl and Spanish. Sources Edited and updated by K. Kris Hirst Berdan FF. 2014. Aztec Archaeology and Ethnohistory. New York: Cambridge University Press.Dakin K. 2001. Nahuatl. In: Carrasco D editor. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures. Oxford: Oxford University Press. p 363-365.Garcà a-Mencà a R, Là ³pez-Là ³pez A, and Muà ±oz Melà ©ndez A. 2016. An Audio-Lexicon Spanish-Nahuatl: Using technology to promote and disseminate a native Mexican language. In: Bradley L, and Thouà «sny S, editors. CALL communities and culture ââ¬â short papers from EUROCALL 2016: p 155-159.Maxwell JM. 2001. Languages at the Time of Contact. In: Evans ST, and Webster DL, editors. Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia. New York: Garland Publishing Inc. p 395-396.Mundy BE. 2014. Place-Names in Mexico-Tenochtitlan. Ethnohistory 61(2):329-355.Olko J, and Sullivan J. 2014. Toward a comprehensive model for Nahuatl language research and revitalization. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Berk eley Linguistics Society 40:369-397. Sandoval Arenas CO. 2017. Displacement and revitalization of the Nahuatl language in the High Mountains of Veracruz, Mexico. Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 16(1):66-81.Various authors. 2011. Los Nahua. Cultura Viva, Arqueologà a Mexicana 19(109, May-June)
Friday, February 14, 2020
Strategic Analysis and Decision Making Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Strategic Analysis and Decision Making - Essay Example Such an ideal model of decision making also presumes that the decision maker is aware of all possible alternatives and that he or she decides subsequent to examining them all. A modern approach recognizes that decisions are made in an automatic, instinctive fashion. Specifically, image theory claims that people will take on a course of action that best fits their individual principles, current goals, and plans for the future. The decisions made in organizations can be distinguished as programmed -- routine decisions made according to preexisting guidelines -- or non-programmed -- decisions requiring novel and ingenious solutions. Decisions also are different with respect to the amount of risk involved, ranging from those in which the decision outcomes are moderately certain to those in which outcomes are extremely uncertain. Uncertain situations are expressed as statements of prospect based on either objective or subjective information. For the rational decision maker, the question is "What is the best answer" Rational decision analysis provides a precise method for choosing among alternatives based on their estimated values. The rational model requires the overt specification of the probabilities associated with choices and chances, as well as quantified payoffs for outcomes. For instance, consider the stock option decision tree given in figure 1.1. Here, an investor is considering buying an option on a stock with a current price of $100. The option itself has a price OP. There is a 50% chance that the stock's price will raise to $110, and a 50% chance that the price will fall to $95: - Current Stock Price = $100 - Option Price = OP - With P = .5, S = $110 - With P=.5, S = $95 The investor has two alternatives: Do not purchase the option (choice I), or purchase the option (choice II). Given the above assumptions concerning probabilities and payoffs, rational decision theory gives an exact method for ranking the alternatives. We calculate the expected value of an alternative as the product of its possibility and its payoff value. For the stock option case, we arrive at the following expected values. EV (I) = P (A) * V (A) = 1.0 * 0 = 0 EV (II) = P (B) * V (B) + P(C) * V(C) - OP = .5 * 10 + .5 * 0 - OP = 5 - OP The rational choice is to purchase the option if Option Price, OP, $5.We note that this approach formalizes just one aspect of the decision task, that is, choosing among the alternatives. The pattern does not provide exact methods for identifying problems or alternatives, nor for estimating those alternatives. The rationalization that results from this process is always the same: The choice has the highest estimated value. The rational decision maker does not abandon the trouble even if all outcomes have negative expected values. In that case, the decision maker selects for the "best worst" case. The model does not address the matter of generating additional alternatives. Still, rational
Saturday, February 1, 2020
R&D Proposal TMGT421 (Vaccines for Children Computer Input Manual) Research Paper
R&D Proposal TMGT421 (Vaccines for Children Computer Input Manual) - Research Paper Example Parents, therefore, find themselves looking for their immunization records. We have adopted Vermont Immunization Registry (IMR) at the Family Medical Center, which is a powerful tool to ensure proper treatment and timely immunization. This has helped in saving many by ensuring that the right vaccine is administered to the children (Maciosek et al., 2006). The efficiency of the offices is also improved since the required time to gather review records of immunization is reduced. When there is a disease outbreak, it is very easy for public health departments to identify those individual at risk by the use of registry. Our healthcare facility is accredited with vaccines for children. Data input should be correctly done to be able to guide on the appropriate type of vaccine administered and the relevant time to vaccinate. If this is not achieved, there will be a loss of program, and services will not be offered to the public. The objective of using Vermont Immunization Registry (IMR) at Family Medical Center is to increase efficiency in accessing immunization documentation at the center. With an electronic health record system in place at the medical centre, physicians will be able to submit data to the Vermont Immunization Registry from the electronic data record system directly via the interface. This will be such a superb tool that will ultimately lead to reduced data entry, improve the accuracy of data, fulfill the requirements of data reporting, ensure faster delivery of data, promote timely vaccinations, quick updating of records, easy printing of reports, maintain vaccine inventories, flag contraindications, increase vaccination rates and ensure ultimate improvement of patient care ( The Vermont Immunization registry will be an exceptional tool to support health care practices at the centre in tracking vaccine information for children at the Family Medical Centre. It will allow the professionals at the
Friday, January 24, 2020
Using the video case study explain on which extent the organisation :: Business and Management Studies
Using the video case study explain on which extent the organisation keeps their side of the empowerment bargain? Coursework: Using the video case study explain on which extent the organisation keeps their side of the empowerment bargain? Nowadays, a new business process emerges, the empowerment. The context is that managers are working in pair with employees. Managers give opportunity to the staff to give their ideas, and being more involved in the firm as a whole. Its mean more confidence and trust in each other. Does the empowerment way is a threat against the organisation? The aim is to discuss the extent to which the organisation is able to keep their side of the empowerment ââ¬Å"bargainâ⬠. Therefore, the following study is supported by the ââ¬Å"Alliance and Leicester Building societyâ⬠. It occurs in the banking sectors and this firm is a call centre on which the empowerment is present. The two mains actors are the managers on the first hand, and the Customers Service Agents (CSA) on the other hand. The customer service aim is to deliver a rapid answer to the client needs. The CSA are operating directly with the clients while managers are trying to improve the service efficiency. By improving efficiency it means implant and developed the empowerment. Different stages are identified in the firm. Firstly, there is the involvement process characterized by participation and managers attention to the CSA ideas. It is followed by the professional relation in the firms, between managers and CSA. The customersââ¬â¢ relation, like the greeting to the clients and how it is managed. There is an important and crucial step, which is the IT (information technology) point, materialized by the monitoring system. It is named as an ââ¬Å"empowerment toolâ⬠. Moreover, there is a surveillance point, with tape record and office structure. Then the work atmosphere and CSA job feeling and future career. Beginning with a brief explanation of the empowerment origin, the following study (of the Alliance and Leiceister empowerment process) aims to focus on the previous empowerment stages to explain if the Control leads the organisation to keep the power of the empowerment ââ¬Å"Bargainâ⬠. The call centres can be classified as the perfect example of the globalisation consequence. The globalisation was huge on the past 20 years. Companies grow and expand abroad. The market was not local anymore but international. As much as the firm grow, the competition increased in the same time. The firm were obliged to open their capital to rich investors and the market is now driven by the productivity and efficiency. As it was proposed, shareholders are now driving the firm goals and controlling the managers (Fama and Using the video case study explain on which extent the organisation :: Business and Management Studies Using the video case study explain on which extent the organisation keeps their side of the empowerment bargain? Coursework: Using the video case study explain on which extent the organisation keeps their side of the empowerment bargain? Nowadays, a new business process emerges, the empowerment. The context is that managers are working in pair with employees. Managers give opportunity to the staff to give their ideas, and being more involved in the firm as a whole. Its mean more confidence and trust in each other. Does the empowerment way is a threat against the organisation? The aim is to discuss the extent to which the organisation is able to keep their side of the empowerment ââ¬Å"bargainâ⬠. Therefore, the following study is supported by the ââ¬Å"Alliance and Leicester Building societyâ⬠. It occurs in the banking sectors and this firm is a call centre on which the empowerment is present. The two mains actors are the managers on the first hand, and the Customers Service Agents (CSA) on the other hand. The customer service aim is to deliver a rapid answer to the client needs. The CSA are operating directly with the clients while managers are trying to improve the service efficiency. By improving efficiency it means implant and developed the empowerment. Different stages are identified in the firm. Firstly, there is the involvement process characterized by participation and managers attention to the CSA ideas. It is followed by the professional relation in the firms, between managers and CSA. The customersââ¬â¢ relation, like the greeting to the clients and how it is managed. There is an important and crucial step, which is the IT (information technology) point, materialized by the monitoring system. It is named as an ââ¬Å"empowerment toolâ⬠. Moreover, there is a surveillance point, with tape record and office structure. Then the work atmosphere and CSA job feeling and future career. Beginning with a brief explanation of the empowerment origin, the following study (of the Alliance and Leiceister empowerment process) aims to focus on the previous empowerment stages to explain if the Control leads the organisation to keep the power of the empowerment ââ¬Å"Bargainâ⬠. The call centres can be classified as the perfect example of the globalisation consequence. The globalisation was huge on the past 20 years. Companies grow and expand abroad. The market was not local anymore but international. As much as the firm grow, the competition increased in the same time. The firm were obliged to open their capital to rich investors and the market is now driven by the productivity and efficiency. As it was proposed, shareholders are now driving the firm goals and controlling the managers (Fama and
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Compare and contrast the Characters of Professor Moriaty Essay
This essay is to show the contrast between two of the villains out of the Sherlock Holmes short stories, Professor Moriarty and Dr Roylott. I will talk about the differences and the similarities between the two villains and how the behave toward Holmes. Dr Roylott is a character from ââ¬Å"The Speckled Bandâ⬠where he killed his daughter by use of a poisonous snake. Professor Moriarty is a character from ââ¬Å"The Final Problemâ⬠. By using the text of these books I am also able to identify and show Conan Doyleââ¬â¢s methods of characterisation. The appearance is one of the primary aspects of a character because without imagery you cannot print a picture of the character in your head of what the character would look like. The appearances of the two villains are very different in build and facial and body features. Dr Roylott is a very large person, as it states in The speckled band, where Roylott meets Sherlock at Baker Street. ââ¬Å"So tall was he that his hat actually brushed the cross-bar.â⬠This shows that Dr Roylott was a man of great height. It also states after that quote ââ¬Å"and his breadth seamed to span across itâ⬠This other quote about his build explains that not only was he tall but had a very large chest, and was very bold in his stature. This advantage of size was used to intimidate Sherlock by confronting him. The sheer size difference was used to Roylotts full advantage. Roylotts face is described as being wrinkled and weathered, ââ¬Å"A large face, seared with a thousand wrinkles.â⬠This describes Roylott being quite old or as a man who has been quick to temper and he suffers with a vast amount of stress. It also shows that Dr Roylott is a man who doesnââ¬â¢t act like most people in his class status and is slightly adventurous and hard working. Conan Doyle use of ââ¬Å"a thousand wrinkledâ⬠in an exaggerated from and gives more meaning to in that he seamed to have that numerous wrinkles which is able to paint a more accurate image of Roylott in the audiences head. Roylott is also described as a man of agriculture even though he is a man of anger and impulsive rage. ââ¬Å"a peculiar mixture of the professional and of the agricultural.â⬠This explains his professional abilities have bought him wealth and agriculture because of his intelligence. Being wealthy he dresses like a man of his status, in stereotypical dress-code and is s aid as wearing ââ¬Å"a black top-hat, a long frockcoat, and a pair of high gaiters.â⬠Professor Moriarty is quite the contrary where he is nowhere near as large or bold as Dr Roylott. Moriarty is said to be more of a lean build ââ¬Å"He is extremely tall and thin.â⬠Moriarty is quite a tedious man in comparison of the body structure of the two villains but it doesnââ¬â¢t make any difference in Professor Moriartyââ¬â¢s intellectual abilities, and Moriarty does not need a physical advantage. Moriarty is also described as having a large forehead that curves out. This is in relation to his vast superior intelligence to most people, and Doyle used that imagery to try and make the audience see Moriarty as having a large brain that his head has to curve to allow space for it. Moriarty is also described in The final problem as ââ¬Å"He is clean-shaven, pale, and ascetic looking.â⬠For Conan Doyle to say that Moriarty is ââ¬Å"asceticâ⬠he is able to instantly make the audience think that he is a cruel man, but not adventurous. With Moriartyââ¬â¢s intellectual capabilities Doyle is able to make the audience think that he is not committing crimes, but organising them. It also says that Moriarty has a lot of self-discipline for himself. The manner of the two characters is very different. Dr Roylott is a more aggressive man, whereas Professor Moriarty is a more rational man, and talks about something rather that acts like a violent boisterous person. Dr Roylott shows his extreme impatience and violent tendencies when he met Sherlock and Dr Watson, in Sherlockââ¬â¢s home. Roylott storms into where Sherlock is and began to shout at Sherlock about his daughter had been there earlier. Instead of sitting down like Moriarty he confronts Holmes in an aggressive manner and uses intimidation to try and get Holmes to tell him what he wants. Sherlock is not threatened by the show of anger and retains his rationality. In this Roylott realises that he is not going to intimidate Holmes and demonstrates his strength by bending a fire poker to show his power, and leaves with a threat, still trying to intimidate Holmes but also proving a point, he means business. Unaffected by this Holmes carries on with the investigation. Moriarty is the complete opposite in physical aggression, for he isnââ¬â¢t as bulky as Roylott, but in the same way Moriarty attempts to intimidate Holmes, not by a physical show of strength but by a complex and articulate array of words. When Moriarty visits Holmes he insults Sherlock not long after he arrives, ââ¬Å"you have less frontal development than I expected.â⬠This is an insult where Moriarty is trying to say that Holmes is not intelligent enough to out perform Moriarty, in the sense that he will not be able to accuse him without evidence that Holmes will not acquire. This is an entirely alternate method in contrast to Roylott. Moriarty is calm, collective and does not proceed to violence and speaks in a relaxed manor that everything is satisfactory. Moriarty does not need to try and intimidate Sherlock because everything he says carries a lot of weight and he knows that Holmes has met an equally matched adversary, himself.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Character Analysis of Ophelia and Gertude in Shakespeareôs...
William Shakespeare also known as the English nationalist poet is widely considered the greatest dramatist of all time. Shakespeare spent the majority of his life writing poems that captured the ââ¬Å"complete range of human emotion and conflictâ⬠(ââ¬Å"Biography of William Shakespeareâ⬠). Throughout the world, people have performed William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s plays, poems, and sonnets for over four hundred years. Still to this day, Shakespeareââ¬â¢s plays have become very well known. One of William Shakespeares most famous plays is, Hamlet. In Hamlet, the women, Ophelia and Gertrude were portrayed as property, non- controlling, inferior, and solely dependent on men throughout the play. Ophelia is an obedient daughter who is dependent on her father, Poloniusâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Ophelia is taught not to depend on her own decisions because she does not know any other way without Poloniusââ¬â¢s guidance. Without even realizing it Ophelia, is powerless and h as no control over her life. She is solely dependent on her father. Ophelia is also inferior and powerless when it comes to her brother, Laertes. Just like her father, Laertes has all the control over Ophelia. When Ophelia recognizes an unusual difference in Hamlet, she turns toward her brother, to ask for his outlook on Hamlets love. He responds by saying, For Hamlet and the trifling of his favour,/ Hold it a fashion and a toy in blood,/ [...] The perfume and suppliance of a minute; No more, (1.3.6-10). His reply was more of a forceful command, rather than suggesting a response of her choice. Simone de Beauvoir writes of agony for adolescent girls who must choose between self and ââ¬Å"otherâ⬠---between considering themselves primary or perceiving themselves as ââ¬Å"otherâ⬠in a patriarchal world where men and menââ¬â¢s values dominateâ⬠(Dash 128). Ophelia never had a mother figure to look up to, so she spends most of her time obeying the authoritative brothe r in her life. Shakespeare exaggerates this as Ophelia struggles to find herself while her brother destroys her privileges. She is a woman that is being forced to live in word that is dominated by men. Ophelia looks for love and
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